In 2014, the Communications Regulatory Commission became an accredited Conformity assessment certification body, in accordance with the standard “MNS ISO/IEC 17065:2013 Conformity assessment - Requirements for bodies certifying goods, processes and services” by the Mongolian agency for Standard and Metrology Government Regulatory Agency. Under the accreditation, the CRC has been performing conformity assessment for the information and communications products. The Law of Mongolia on “The Standardization, technical regulation and accreditation of conformity assessment” is coming into effect on July 01, 2018. In the framework of the implementation of this law, the draft "Procedure for supplying conformity assessment products and services with conformity assessment to the Mongolian Market and crossing the border” is under progress by the Government of Mongolia.
To know the list of goods which are subject to mandatory conformity assessment just contact us.
Mongolia-CRC Radio Transmission Products Subject To Mandatory Type Approval
Updated: Jul 19, 2018