Within the past few months, there’s a rumor’s going on regarding to the new telecommunication equipment certification regulation that will be applied by Indonesian SDPPI. The draft of this new regulation has been issued too for the purpose of public hearing. But, there’s never been any confirmation about the actual target or estimate of when the new regulation will be actually applied.
And late last week, Friday August 10th 2018, through SDPPI official announcement with series number 1272/SP.04.03/P/08/2018, it’s confirmed that the new regulation, which is Communication and Informatics Ministry Regulation Number 7 year of 2018 (PM Kominfo No 7 Tahun 2018) about Electronically Integrated Business Licensing is officially applied. Below is the screenshot of SDPPI official announcements.
With the application of this new telecommunication equipment certification regulation, SDPPI also announced that the previous certification procedures that refer to PM Kominfo No 18 Tahun 2014 about Telecommunication Equipment Certification, PM Kominfo No 1 Tahun 2015 about Revision on Telecommunication Equipment Certification, and PM Kominfo No 23 Tahun 2016 about Telecommunication Equipment Certification on Mobile Phone, Handheld Computer, and Tablet, are officially revoked.
As a result of this revocation, new certification schemes is applied. There’s still no further confirmation on how the new certification schemes look like, but, SDPPI services and data center have been moved. If previously we can access telecommunication equipment certification data and services in SDPPI portal, which is https://sertifikasi.postel.go.id/, now this portal have been moved to newly-launched Indonesian Online Single Submission (OSS) system which can be accessed in https://oss.go.id.
As mentioned, there’s still no confirmation or official announcement regarding to the detail of new certification scheme. And there’s still no further confirmation on what will happen to the previous certificates that are already issued and to on-going applications as well, whether or not they are still valid.
Moreover, we’re sorry to announce that there will be a possibility of delay on the applications that are ready to submit or the applications that have been submitted on or after August 8th 2018. We hope this delay won’t last long, until we find out the detail of new applicable certification scheme. And at this stage, we keep gaining as much detailed information as we can, and update you again about the new certification schemes soon.
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