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IEC 62368 Certification Replacing IEC 60950-1 and IEC 60065


Within just a few months, manufacturers of ICT and AV equipment will have to conform to a new standard for product safety, the IEC 62368-1. December 20, 2020 will see the old standards withdrawn, and any device that’s in scope of EN 62368-1 (the IEC standard as it’s been written into law in the EU) must be tested in line with the new standard.

Why the change?

As technology advances, multimedia products are increasingly falling under both IEC 60065 (AV equipment) and IEC 60950-1 (IT equipment). The IEC 62368-1 safety standard was developed to merge these two standards and develop a new “hazard-based” standard that would cover both electronic equipment and IT/Communications technology. It takes a proactive risk-based approach by identifying hazards and testing the effectiveness of the safeguards instead of a reactive incident-based perspective and is based on performance testing. It should also be noted that 62368-1 applies not only to the end-user product, but also to components and subsystems such as power supplies.

Types of products covered by the standard are as follows:

  • Telecommunication products such as network infrastructure equipment, cordless and cell phones, and similar communication devices, including battery-powered devices

  • Displays and display units including monitors, TVs and digital projectors

  • Consumer electronics such as amplifiers, home theater systems, digital cameras and personal music players

  • Office appliances like copiers and document shredders

  • Various other types of audio/video, information and communication technology equipment used in homes, schools, data processing centers, commercial, and professional environments.

How are manufacturers affected?

Manufacturers, who are in the development phase and plan to place their products on the market from December 20, 2020, must follow the new standard with all its regulations in mind. Manufacturers that have products that are already placed in the European markets, can continue to market their products if the DoC was issued before December 20, 2020. If a manufacturer wishes to modify a product which was previously certified according to 60950-1 or 60065-1, the DoC will not be valid anymore and new testing and certification according the current standard is mandatory.

When should devices test to the new standard?

December 20, 2020 is the date when 60950‐1 and 60065 will be formally withdrawn. Manufacturers who wish to place products on the market will need to meet 62368-1 to ensure compliance. During the transition period until the effective date for 62368-1, components tested under either standard, 60065 and 60950-1, will be accepted.

The new HBSE (Hazard-Based Safety Engineering) 62368-1 standards have already been adopted in Europe, the USA and Canada. And while the date of withdrawal for the older standards isn’t until the end of 2020, manufacturers are encouraged to test their new and existing products in line with the new standards today. This is the best way to ensure they have no hiccups when the old standards are retired.

Thanks to contact us if you have any question

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