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Cote d'Ivoire ARTCI turns to teleworking mode from Friday 17 April 2020 until Monday 04 May 2020


The Autorité de Régulation des Télécommunications/TIC de Côte d'Ivoire (ARTCI) informs the population that it will be open exclusively in teleworking mode from Friday 17 April 2020 until Monday 04 May 2020. This exceptional measure is motivated by the confirmation on Thursday 16 April 2020 of a case of Covid-19 tested positive among its Staff. Following this situation, ARTCI has taken all the necessary steps to take care of the case and the persons with whom it has been in contact, in accordance with the recommendations of the Ministry of Health and Public Hygiene. The safety of its employees, partners and suppliers being its priority, the Authority had already taken preventive measures by carrying out two total disinfection operations on its site, at the time when no case had yet been reported. In addition, a follow-up plan by the health authorities is being put in place to ensure that its premises, which had already been disinfected, are disinfected again in accordance with the guidelines of the National Institute of Public Hygiene (INHP). During this period, ARTCI will ensure the perfect continuity of its service by teleworking. For this purpose, it informs the population of the existence of an e-mail address: ARTCI, in its approach against the spread of COVID-19, invites you to strictly respect the barrier measures recommended by the Government. Together against the Coronavirus COVID-19!

Please, feel free to contact us for information .

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