BOCRA regulates Mobile Termination Rates (MTRs) because MTRs are by their nature a monopoly. In other words, for a subscriber to receive a call, only Mascom or Orange or BTCL can receive and terminate that call. Therefore, only those three can determine what to charge for handling the call. Hence, BOCRA intervenes to ensure that the MTRs reflect the cost of terminating the calls. OTTs are a Value Add service that rides on the networks of traditional carriers. The industry worldwide, including traditional carriers, continue the debate to find an acceptable method of regulating and pricing the OTTs taking into consideration the important role they play in addressing consumer needs that is different from that of traditional carriers. It is also important to understand that traditional telecommunications operators and media as the Concerned Citizen refers to them, control a large share of the market because most of them started off as monopolies and subsequent ones enjoyed periods of regulatory protection when market entry was controlled. Therefore, they have the potential to use their market power to maximise benefits from the market to the detriment of consumers.
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