he new Resolution 169/2018 was published in March in the Argentina’s official bulletin and with it has come a few questions. The Resolution is for the Essential Safety Requirements for Low Voltage Electrical Equipment and will cancel and replace the existing Resolution 141/2016 as well as resolutions 44, 207, 390 and provisions 1139, 736, 963, 914, 99 and 1150. The Resolution’s purpose is to ensure that electrical equipment sold in the Argentine Republic complies with the requirements that provide a high level of safety for the country. It applies to low voltage electrical equipment, such as power supplies, chargers and converters that operate between 50v and 1000v for alternating current, and between 75v and 1500v for direct current.
One of the main changes for compliance is that there will be a modification in the product safety certification system. Until December 31, 2019 System No. 4 (S-Type) and System No. 5 (S-Mark) of Resolution no. 197/2004 can be used. As of January 1, 2020, the product safety certification provided for in the Resolution will be made exclusively in accordance with System No. 5 (S-Mark) of conformity marking.
To view the full Resolution please click here. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at info@konantech.net