Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Argentinian authority ENACOM automatically extends the validity for expriring certificates between 16 March and 16 May for 60 days from their original expiry date.
[...] ARTÍCULO 2°.-. Prorrógase, con carácter excepcional, la vigencia de los permisos, autorizaciones, registros, inscripciones y licencias cuyos vencimientos o plazo opere desde el 16 de marzo y hasta el 16 de mayo, correspondientes al año 2020, por el término de SESENTA (60) días corridos a contar del respectivo vencimiento. [...]
This information has been recently published in the official gazette of Argentina.
This extension of validity allows interested parties to still aquire their renewals in due time even with slower processing times.
Note, that applications for renewals need to be made in due time, expired certificates cannot be renewed.
Source: Boletin Oficial
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